Get Summer-Ready: Top 5 Home Refresh Tips for Summer


Summer in Chicago is a time of vibrant festivals, sunny lakefront days, and revitalized home spaces! As an interior design firm dedicated to transforming your living spaces, we’re excited to share our top five recommendations to refresh your home and make it ready for the season. Let’s dive into some fun, stylish, and practical tips that will breathe new life into your home this summer.



1. Embrace Light and Airy Fabrics

Say goodbye to heavy winter fabrics and welcome the light, breezy feel of summer textiles. Swap out your thick drapes and woolen throws for sheer curtains, cotton, or linen fabrics. These materials not only keep your home cool but also create an inviting and airy atmosphere. Opt for vibrant colors or playful patterns that capture the essence of summer, making every room feel like a breath of fresh air.

Photo Credit: Sarah Jacquelyn Interiors



2. Refresh Your Color Palette

Summer is the perfect time to experiment with a new color scheme that reflects the lively spirit of the season. Consider painting an accent wall in a fresh, summery hue like seafoam green, sunny yellow, or coral pink. If painting feels too ambitious, incorporate these colors through decorative accents such as throw pillows, artwork, and rugs. These pops of color can instantly energize your space and create a cheerful, welcoming vibe.


Photo Credit: Sarah Jacquelyn Interiors


3. Bring the Outdoors In

Chicagoans cherish their summers, and what better way to celebrate the season than by bringing a bit of the outdoors inside? Integrate houseplants or fresh flowers into your home decor to add a touch of nature and a pop of color. Plants like succulents, ferns, and snake plants are not only stylish but also easy to care for. For a fragrant touch, consider lavender or jasmine to fill your home with delightful, summery scents.

Photo Credit: Sarah Jacquelyn Interiors



4. Optimize Outdoor Spaces

Your outdoor space is an extension of your home, especially during the summer months. Whether you have a spacious backyard or a cozy balcony, make the most of it by updating your outdoor furniture and decor. Think comfortable seating, colorful outdoor rugs, and twinkling string lights to create a magical evening ambiance. Adding potted plants or a small herb garden can also enhance the space, making it your perfect summer retreat.

Photo Credit: Toll Brothers



5. Declutter and Simplify

A clutter-free home feels instantly more spacious and relaxing, ideal for the laid-back summer months. Take this opportunity to declutter and organize your living spaces. Store away heavy winter items, donate unused belongings, and keep only what you truly need and love. Simplifying your space not only improves aesthetics but also promotes a sense of calm and tranquility, allowing you to fully enjoy the summer season.



Bonus Tip: Update Your Art and Accessories

Swapping out your art and accessories for seasonal pieces can give your home a quick and easy makeover. Look for artwork that features beach scenes, botanical prints, or abstract designs in bright colors. Similarly, updating your accessories—think vases, candles, and decorative bowls—with summery motifs and hues can refresh your decor without a major overhaul.

Preparing your home for summer doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With these fun and informative tips, you can easily transform your space into a summer sanctuary that embraces the lively spirit of Chicago. Happy decorating, and here’s to a stylish and enjoyable summer in your refreshed home!

Photo Credit: Sarah Jacquelyn Interiors


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