Colorful Creatives: Socials in Bloom
This week’s Colorful Creatives feature is Cheyenne Huffman of Socials in Bloom. Cheyenne is passionate about helping ambitious entrepreneurs craft quality brands that help their businesses thrive! Her positive attitude and go getter attitude are infections and inspire others to take a leap of faith even when not feeling 100% confident. Cheyenne shares her journey of discovering her passion, leaving her full time job, and building her business. I hope you enjoy learning more about this girl-boss and find her to be your new business bestie!
Happy Friday!
This week’s Colorful Creatives feature is Cheyenne Huffman of Socials in Bloom. Cheyenne is passionate about helping ambitious entrepreneurs craft quality brands that help their businesses thrive! Her positive attitude and go getter attitude are infections and inspire others to take a leap of faith even when not feeling 100% confident. Cheyenne shares her journey of discovering her passion, leaving her full time job, and building her business. I hope you enjoy learning more about this girl-boss and find her to be your new business bestie! One of my favorite quotes from Cheynee:
“It really doesn’t matter if you have it all figured out in high school or not because it will come together if you don’t give up trying.”
Cheyenne Huffman | Socials in Bloom
Website socialsinbloom.com
FB SocialsinBloom
IG SocialsinBloom
IG cheyenneinbloom
Twitter Socialsinbloom
1. How did you get started as a virtual Branding, marketing and web designer?
I started working right out of high school as a Pre-K teaching assistant in a child care center. At first, I absolutely loved my job, but I could always feel that there was more I wanted to do with my life I just wasn’t sure what exactly. Two years into the job I was miserable, I loved the kids, but the adults made me feel like I was back in high school and there really wasn’t much opportunity for me to grow there. The center had also begun to struggle as a whole, we were cycling through staff members and losing students at the same time, it became harder and harder to know if our jobs were secure and that had us panicking.
I met my best friend, Kya, (aka my blessing in disguise) during this time and she introduced me to the world of Copywriting and Marketing. I was instantly curious about both and started doing some research. She helped me look up online courses and get started on the right path. Fast forward through a few months of studying and I landed my first unofficial client. Her sister approached her saying she was starting her own blog and needed a website designed and some catchy content created for it and Kya introduced her to me. It was the perfect first project and I had so much fun with it.
After that, I started drifting from studying just copywriting and marketing to web design as well and soon things were feeling good. I knew I wanted to start my own business, but I was worried I wouldn’t be good enough or successful because I was so new and didn’t have much experience yet. I was afraid that because I didn’t have a college degree people would overlook me and not take me seriously. So I kept studying and doing little projects here and there and just continued daily life at the childcare center. Well, let’s just say I got my wake up call when a year later the child care center shut down and left me without a job.
I knew I could go apply for other jobs and find something, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was a sign that it was time to start my business. I planned everything out and established my vision and Socials in Bloom was born! It isn’t an extravagant story but it was hard there for a while and without the help of my friend and a little kickback to reality I wouldn’t be where I am today. I have met some amazing people and continue to meet amazing people on a daily basis and I am so content and happy with that. I love what I do and the fact it gives me a chance to explore other passions along with it. I am excited about the future.
2. Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
I would like to say that deep down I always knew there was more I wanted from life, I just didn’t know what it was yet. I found that I didn’t take a lot of interest in the classes at school or even career fairs, because I didn’t want a traditional job.
All of my friends were studying for these great jobs in art, science and law careers and for me, I didn’t know exactly what I wanted, I knew I had a love for writing and wanted to publish a book and I also knew I loved my graphic design classes too but I never thought of them in a career setting. I’m still not sure why. It wasn’t until I graduated high school and started hearing more and more about people beginning their own businesses that really tied everything together for me. Part of me still wants to write that novel don’t get me wrong but I’m glad that things turned out the way they did because I have found my passion. So I always try to tell others that it really doesn’t matter if you have it all figured out in high school or not because it will come together if you don’t give up trying.
3. Are you full time on your business?
Yes! I am full time on my business. It honestly happened on a whim. I was in the process of researching starting a business and putting the pieces together when the center I worked for closed. I kept applying for other jobs but nothing stuck and eventually I just turned back to my business ideas and made them reality.
4. What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome with owning your own business?
Probably the periods where business is kind of slow which do happen more often than talked about. Things change so as business owners you’re always needing to switch up your strategy and find new ways to reach people. It’s hustle all the time but it’s worth it to be working for yourself and fulfilling your dreams.
5. What is your favorite & least favorite “hat” to wear as a business owner?
Gosh, I wear so many hats haha! I think that is definitely my favorite “hat” though is having the freedom to explore as many passions as you want. I definitely fall into the multi-passionate entrepreneur category and I love being able to explore my interests and try new things out.
6. How did you reach your potential clients when first starting your business?
I have reached clients through Facebook and Instagram mainly. I will find clients in groups where they are searching for specific services, through friends who recommend me, and my social media posts. It’s definitely always changing and I am learning so much on a daily basis because you never know how effective a certain method will be until you see the traction and impressions from it. I am someone who is about authentic connections and growing my business organically so I don’t invest a bunch in paid ads or anything like that. I prefer to talk with people and reach them through the content I post.
7. Do you feel you need to educate people on what you do?
There are definitely times when I have to educate others on what I do. It’s mostly family and family friends because a lot of them are not familiar with social media management, but it’s honestly not a big deal to me at all. I love talking about what I do, it’s my passion so I feel privileged when I get the chance to share what I do with others.
8. How do you stay motivated?
It can be hard to stay motivated at times but I have some incredibly supportive people around me who inspire me and pick me back up when I am feeling a little lost. Other than that, I always make sure I am staying productive and caring for my mind. Personal development is essential as well as resting your mind. It’s really good to take breaks and just have some time to do something you enjoy and be with loved ones.
9. What are you working on right now?
Oh my gosh, I have some incredible projects in the works right now! My best friend and I actually just launched a project together on International Women's Day which went incredibly. We decided to start a Facebook community for female entrepreneurs and business owners called Flourishing Forward. It’s basically a community that teaches us as women how to not compare and contrast but how to link arms and step into the women were meant to be, together. It’s all about supporting one another and inspiring growth while still offering a bunch of business tools and resources to learn from. We have a lot of ideas in the works so I can promise you it’s definitely going to be different than any other community out there so we’re thrilled to see it take off and meet some incredible people along the way.
10. Where do you look for inspiration?
I look for inspiration all around me. I guess it depends on what is happening that day and why I am in need of inspiration because my best friend inspires me a lot, I also like to browse Pinterest to find some things that inspire me and just reading/ listening to podcasts!
11. Where is your favorite place to work?
My Favorite place to work is actually at the beach. Weird right? I love vacationing but being able to catch up on some work while staring out at the ocean and feeling the breeze is the best.
12. How do you start your Monday?
I like to start my Monday off with a cup of coffee and reviewing my plans for the week and make any changes I feel are necessary.
13. What are some colors you are connecting with right now?
I am currently obsessed with rose gold, blush pink and peach!
14. What are some of your favorite textures/ materials?
I would have to say marble is always my go-to
15. If you could travel anywhere in the world for inspiration, where would it be and why?
Probably Montana or Hawaii. I know two completely opposite places. But I have always wanted to visit both and for me, I love scenery and nature so it would be nice to escape to somewhere and be out in nature to regroup. I also love photography so I’d love to photograph some locations out that way. And for Hawaii. I am obsessed with the beach and that has been the beach I’ve always wanted to go to. Both would inspire me in different ways but spark incredible adventures and memories!
16. What’s your favorite season and why?
I would have to say Spring is my favorite season because there is so much happening in those months. The air is getting warmer and clearer, the skies are brighter, flowers are sprouting and blooming and it just feels like a fresh new beginning. I love that feeling.
17. What is something you could not live without?
Hmm, That is a tough one. I am going to sound totally cliche but I would probably have to say my computer or phone if we’re talking about objects. Because, it’s where I do most of my work at and I really don’t go anywhere without them.
18. What’s your favorite thing to do in Virginia?
I actually have three favorite things to do in Virginia. I love going to the drive in movie theater, going to bookshops and I really enjoy going to basketball/hockey games!
19. As a busy business owner, how do you avoid burn out?
I make sure that I am taking breaks throughout the day and not overworking myself. It’s so easy to get burnt out on things and I always find if a certain project is stressing me out I will pause and regroup or work on something else for a while. I also like to read motivational quotes and listen to music to give my mind a break for a bit.
20. What are you looking forward to in 2019?
I am looking forward to seeing the heights my business can reach this year and the places I can go. I love helping other entrepreneurs and their businesses strive so I can’t wait to see the incredible people I get to work with this year. Other than that I am just excited for the possibilities of growth and change and discovering who I am each day.
21. What is a piece of advice you would tell your past self on the first day you started your business?
I would remind myself of the excited, empowering feeling it gave me to finally have made my dream become a reality and then I would tell myself to always carry that feeling around and never let go of it. Because business can be hard, it can be discouraging and it can be exciting but if you can hold onto what it felt like on that first day it will help you to keep going. I want to wake up every day feeling excited and empowered and know that I am making a difference in the lives of others.
21. Any inspirational books you recommend?
Absolutely! Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
22. Anything I missed that you want to share?
I just want to thank you for the incredible opportunity to speak with you about my journey. It’s been such a pleasure getting to know you and your business and sharing a bit about mine.
Colorful Creatives: Events by JVB
This week’s Colorful Creatives feature is Jordan Vanden Bos of Events by JVB. This girlboss has found the perfect marriage between her business background and creative edge. Jordan’s love of the wedding industry started with planning her own wedding and has flourished over the years into an amazing business! Her passion for people and combined attention to detail make her just what you need to execute a flawless wedding!
Happy Friday and Happy International Women’s Day!
This weeks Colorful Creatives feature is Jordan Vanden Bos of Events by JVB. This girlboss has found the perfect marriage between her business background and creative edge. Jordan’s love of the wedding industry started with planning her own wedding and has flourished over the years into an amazing business! Her passion for people and combined attention to detail make her just what you need to execute a flawless wedding!
All soon to be brides take note, hiring a wedding planner is one of the best things you can do for your wedding day! My biggest regret was not hiring my wedding planner sooner. From personal experience, my realization that I needed a wedding planner was when I was scheduling the cake delivery. It was set to be delivered at the same time I needed to be on the rooftop getting married. It only took a few minutes for me to realize that wasn’t going to happen and I needed help. Hiring a wedding planner takes away all that stress and they handle all the little details that are important to you. They give you assurance that you and your spouse, plus all of your guests will have the most perfect day, one that you always dreamed of.
What I love about Jordan is her understanding of what brides really need throughout the planning process and on the day of! She sees your vision and handles all the details so that you can focus on enjoying your wedding. I hope you enjoy learning more about Jordan and be sure to follow her!
One of my favorite quotes from Jordan on starting a business:
“Learning what things to spend my time on was definitely a big challenge. When you first start your business you want to say yes to everything, but that isn’t always best for your business.”
Jordan Vanden Bos | Events by JVB
IG @eventsbyjvb
FB Events by JVB
Pinterest: Events by JVB
1. How did you get started as a wedding planner?
I planned my wedding and a few miscellaneous events for friends and fell in love with the industry. It sounds cliche I know, but that is truly how it all started. I then began listening to a Podcast called She Creates Business and that’s what really motivated me to begin my journey. I have an educational background in business, which transferred into owning a business.
2. Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
I think I have always liked the idea of doing something completely on my own, but never knew for certain that I would do it. At first it was scary to think about all of the legalities behind operating a busines, but once I understood them thoroughly it was a lot of fun to start Events by JVB.
3. What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome with owning your own business?
Learning what things to spend my time on was definitely a big challenge. When you first start your business you want to say yes to everything, but that isn’t always best for your business. After trial and error with a few projects I have gotten to a place where I feel very good about the progress that my business is making.
4. How did you reach your potential clients when first starting your business?
At first there was a lot of word of mouth. My first client was actually someone that I reached out to via Facebook message. Now most of my clients find me on Google. I’ve learned that it’s hard at first, but once you build a foundation then the clients come to you.
5. Do you feel you need to educate people on what you do?
Sometimes I do have to help people understand what I do. When couples have a tight budget one of the vendors they typically eliminate first is a planner. That isn’t always the best for the couples though so I have to explain how much stress I can alleviate not only on the wedding day, but throughout the planning process.
6. What is your favorite & least favorite “hat” to wear as a business owner?
I love the organizational part of planning. Putting together timelines, schedules, and setting up to bring a beautiful vision together. My least favorite hat is probably running the social media. I always feel like there is a certain pressure to post enough valuable content.
7. How do you stay motivated?
My husband! He has encouraged me from before this dream even began. I can’t thank him enough for everything that he helps me with, for his positive attitude, and for his consistent support through this adventure.
8. Where do you look for inspiration?
I look to other vendors who I admire and at different trends that are changing all of the time (a lot of pinning!)
9. What are you working on right now?
A styled shoot for the end of March. Styled shoots are one of my favorite things because I get to meet and work with amazing vendors and put my own twist on the style of the shoot.
10. Where is your favorite place to work?
I love to work in my home office where my dog is usually snuggling at my feet and where there is a large glass door that lets the sunlight in.
11. How do you start your Monday?
After a wedding weekend, Monday is usually my day off. I start my Monday (and every day) with a cup of coffee.
12. What are some colors you are connecting with right now?
Slate blue...my sister-in-law chose it for her wedding in August and I cannot wait to wear the dress!
13. What are some of your favorite textures/ materials?
Lately I have been loving a touch of velvet.
14. What is something you could not live without?
I could not live without my pup. She always brings so much joy into every situation.
15. If you could travel anywhere in the world for inspiration, where would it be and why?
I would love to go to Italy. I went to Italy for my honeymoon but we missed Tuscany and I would love to go through the vineyards.
16. What’s your favorite season and why?
My favorite season is definitely fall. I love crisp leaves, fires, and sweater weather.
17. What’s your favorite thing to do in Chicago?
Walk along Lake Michigan with my husband and the pup on a nice breezy day.
18. As a busy business owner, how do you avoid burn out?
I take breaks to have a little time to myself. Whether it is a long walk with the family or a couple of episodes of Grey’s Anatomy, I always make sure not to forget to give myself a little break.
19. What are you looking forward to in 2019?
My sister-in-law’s wedding!
20. Any inspirational books you recommend?
The Business Boutique by Christy Wright.
21. What is a piece of advice you would tell your past self on the first day you started your business?
Don’t ever compare yourself to others. Just be you and work your hardest.
22. Anything I missed that you want to share?
Take your business seriously but don’t forget to have fun with it!
Colorful Creatives: Jennifer Yates
Happy Friday! Creative expression comes in many forms, and this week I share with you a woman who found her passion by helping others. Jennifer Yates is a Diamond Wellness Advocate for doTERRA essential oils and social media business coach who exudes positive energy! Her story is so inspiring and one that I think so many people can relate to. I met Jen a couple years ago and she introduced me the wonderful world of essential oils. They have helped me in all aspects of my life, sleep, anxiety, focus, and over all health and wellness. I’m so grateful to have met this awesome Ladyboss! She has been such a huge supporter of my career and business these last two years. I hope you enjoy learning more about Jen and her journey in entrepreneurship!
Happy Friday and Happy March!
Creative expression comes in many forms, and this week I share with you a woman who found her passion by helping others. Jennifer Yates is a Diamond Wellness Advocate for doTERRA essential oils and a social media business coach who exudes positive energy! Her story is so inspiring and one that I think so many people can relate to. I met Jen a couple years ago and she introduced me the wonderful world of essential oils. They have helped me in all aspects of my life, sleep, anxiety, focus, and over all health and wellness. I’m so grateful to have met this awesome ladyboss! She has been such a huge supporter of my career and business these last two years. I hope you enjoy learning more about Jen and her journey in entrepreneurship! One of my favorite quotes from Jen:
“It’s okay to take a break, it's not okay to quit. If it doesn't bring you joy, then figure out how to change that”
Jennifer Yates | doTERRA Essential Oils | Social Media Coach
FB The Oil Club
IG @goseejen
FB Social Media Course
1. How did you get started with doTERRA essential oils and social media coaching?
I actually started my business when I was in a very dark time in my life. I am a recovering addict, I was a year and a half out of rehab when doTERRA was introduced to me. I was dealing with deep depression, I was existing not living. I knew I desired so much more in life! doTERRA was literally a divine intervention. I had a prescription in hand to go back down the path that I had just shortly came out of, or start a new journey of health and wellness with doTERRA. I chose doTERRA, and here I am today. I am a high school graduate with no college background, I always knew I was destined for something greater in my life. I have been given that opportunity. Once broken, now thriving, I get to help others with their broken.
2. Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
I didn't! I never even knew how to get started as one! I watched my sister in law build her business with a different company to become an entrepreneur. I was actually her assistant! I saw her help thousands and grow her dreams into a reality. That's when I knew this is what I wanted.
3. When did you know it was the right time to go full time on your business?
I was working a full time job and a part time job when I started my business in doTERRA. The company I was working for was not doing well in terms of finances. I was laid off in July of 2017 and that's when I invested full time plus hours. I hit the top of my doTERRA business in July 2018.
4. What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome with owning your own business?
Discipline, Doubt, Fear. You run into these objections as you grow in your business, but when your dreams are bigger those trump those feelings. I do a lot of personal development in order to train my brain that “I can and I will”
5. How did you reach your potential clients when first starting your business?
Network, network, network. I talk to everyone! I share my passion for my business to anyone that will half listen. I offer solutions and hope. In any business you develop a skill set to talk to others. I am always working on that. Believe it or not, I was an introvert before this business. It has really helped me to grow outside of my comfort zone.
6. Do you feel you need to educate people on what you do?
In my business it’s all about education. I am constantly learning myself in order to share with others. I have an educational group where I provide a safe space and content where I teach about this natural lifestyle. It's become a strong community of people taking control of their health.
7. What is your favorite & least favorite “hat” to wear as a business owner?
Great question! I would have to say the boss, and then the boss. Some days you feel so empowered, because everything is going amazing, and then some days you realize its not. Amazing for sure outweigh the not, but you push through those tough days because you know it's part of the process. Failure is success when you learn from it.
8. How do you stay motivated?
My oils! Personal development, my family, my team, my customers who send messages of how their lives have changed because of these products. The messages make me cry every time. That's the motivation in itself.
9. How do you start your Monday?
Excited! I love Mondays! I use to LOATHE them. Now it's the beginning of a new week and new beginnings! I start all my mornings with a minimum of 15 minutes of personal development then the gym. Have to work the mind and body!
10. Where do you look for inspiration?
My team. I have seen my dreams happen right before my eyes for myself. Now I LOVE watching it happen for my team. They inspire me.
11. What is something you could not live without?
My oils and my phone. I know that's cheating but I can't choose!
12. Where is your favorite place to work?
Home. I have a small home and work from my kitchen table.On my vision board is to have an office with a gorgeous view, decorated by the best of course...Sarah Jacquelyn Interiors!
13. What are some colors you are connecting with right now?
I love cool tones. Blues, grays and silvers. It reminds me of peace and calm.
14. What are some of your favorite textures/ materials?
Wood, stone, metals. I love natural, but modern and clean. Lots of light.
15. If you could travel anywhere in the world for inspiration, where would it be and why?
doTERRA offers sourcing trips, where we can see first hand the beautiful farmers that harvest our resources. These are some of the hardest working people you will ever meet. We don't work with large corporate farms, we work with small scale farmers in order to provide sustainable jobs and provide reliable income in underdeveloped areas. It's pretty amazing. Kenya is one of them. That would be my inspirational trip.
16. What’s your favorite season and why?
Summer because I LOVE to be outdoors! So much life in the summertime. Throughout all the seasons this one reminds me that everything always comes full circle and blooms.
17. What’s your favorite thing to do in Chicago?
I really love to go into the city! We have some of the most amazing culture here in this beautiful city. I want to see it ALL!
18. As a busy business owner, how do you avoid burnout?
It’s okay to take a break, it's not okay to quit. If it doesn't bring you joy, then figure out how to change that.
19. What is a piece of advice you would tell your past self on the first day you started your business?
Trust the process.
20. Any inspirational books you recommend?
20. Anything I missed that you want to share?
You are amazing to give this opportunity to others so that we can show our dreams are worthy and we are capable. You are changing lives.
Thank you for this Sarah.
Colorful Creatives: Radically You
I’m so excited to share this weeks Colorful Creatives feature, Jess Bugher of Radically You, a bohemian macrame home decor and fashion accessory line! Jess is incredibly talented and naturally creative. I was lucky enough to come across one of her posts on Instagram and got to her know better. Her story is one that I think so many can relate to, working day in and day out at an office that was’’t sparking joy in her life, leaving her personally drained everyday. She discovered her love of working with her hands at a young age, and started to explore macrame in her early 20’s. From side hustle, to full time job, to exploring opportunities in education, Jess is pursuing her passion: “working with kids and making beautiful things to bring into the world.” I hope you enjoy learning more about Jess, and be sure to check out her Etsy store!
Happy Friday!
I’m so excited to share this week’s Colorful Creatives feature, Jess Bugher of Radically You, a bohemian macrame home decor and fashion accessory line! Jess is incredibly talented and naturally creative. I was lucky enough to come across one of her posts on Instagram and got to know her better. Her story is one that I think so many can relate to, working day in and day out at an office that wasn’t sparking joy in her life, leaving her personally drained everyday. She discovered her love of working with her hands at a young age, and started to explore macrame in her early 20’s. From side hustle, to full time job, to exploring opportunities in education, Jess is pursuing her passion: “working with kids and making beautiful things to bring into the world.” I hope you enjoy learning more about Jess, and be sure to check out her Etsy store! I’m in love with the Boysenberry Macrame Coin Purse! Here’s one of my favorite quotes from Jess:
“I am a firm believer that you can’t think too much about the start of something. If you want to start a blog, do it. If you want to do yoga, do it. If you want to write more, do it. Jump into your life and realize that if you aren’t jumping in, you are placing boundaries on yourself. So in turn you can take those boundaries off of yourself as well.”
Radically You | Jess Nicole Bugher
1. How did you get started with macrame?
I have no professional background in this field, but I have been doing different variations of this since I was very young. I first started exploring fiber art early on in my life, when I was very young I found myself making bracelets pretty much nonstop as a kid. I have always had busy hands, so side projects I have been a constant in my life.
I started to explore macrame when I was in my early 20’s, it has been an exciting journey and I constantly find myself discovering new ways to apply this type of art. My family are all big makers of different varieties: my great aunt, my father, and my mother. My father is an artist, he went to art school and has an exceptional eye for detail and yet somehow can be so fluent with his work. My mother taught me curiosity and the joy of learning a new skill, we explored a lot when I was a kid. My great- aunt is a constant inspiration, she made everything herself and had a unique style of her own. So you could say I come from a long line of makers.
2. Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
I never thought I would be an entrepreneur. Coming from a modest middle class family, I was the youngest and I never thought of it as an option when I was growing up.
3. Are you full time on your business?
For the past few months during my transition from Orange County to Santa Monica I have been lucky enough to do this full time. Soon I will be doing it part time and working in an elementary school. In Orange County I was working in an office setting, I didn’t feel inspired by the work I was doing and I felt drained personally. I feel so excited for this new opportunity and combined to parts of my life: working with kids and making beautiful things to bring into the world.
4. What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome with owning your own business?
Personally, it is difficult to put my work out there into the world and so rawly show others what I am working on. I, like so many, struggle with impostor syndrome. I question what I am doing, but I feel so honored to have the support system I do that loves and supports me how they can. I am shown time and time again, that others do care and others do want to see what I’m doing. It is funny how I both feel anxiety and then relief from the same action of putting myself out there. I feel it is hard to justify a business where I get to make things I love to make and others will pay for it.
5. How did you reach your potential clients when first starting your business?
To begin with it is hard, slow, and persistence is key! For my type of business, a made item, people want to get to know the maker and who they will be supporting. So something huge is going to markets and selling my goods face-to-face to people. Lucky for me, this is also one of the things I like to do most, surrounding my small business, make connections with others.
6. Do you feel you need to educate people on what you do?
I love the idea of teaching others what I do, the process of macrame. Showing them how hard it can be to have a small business can be good to, if they ask. On the flip side, I don’t feel the need to share that with everyone as it is my personal choice to go this route.
7. What is your favorite & least favorite “hat” to wear as a business owner?
Favorite hat- Creative exploration
Least Favorite hat- Advertising (I feel so connected to what I make, it feels so much like self promotion when I do this)
8. How do you stay motivated?
I listen to a lot of podcasts, read personal development books, and take self care seriously. Some of my favorite podcasts include Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, RobCast with Rob Bell, The Ground Up Show, and From the Heart Conversations with YogaGirl. What does self-care look like for me? Yoga everyday, in some way or another, reading a good book, giving myself permission to take a break and slow down when it feels right. Water rejuvenates me, my summers growing up were spent “on the lake” as we say in Michigan. I love being outside and when I feel overwhelmed taking a walk or going to the water is an easy way for me to wipe my slate clean.
9. What are you working on right now?
Right now, I am working on a bridal order for an intimate wedding ceremony. I am making bridal accessories for the entire party. I also, am putting together a new line of accessories for late Spring/ early summer.
10. Where do you look for inspiration?
Inspiration comes from everything in life. I am emotional and can feel inspired by things from nature, people around me, and places I’ve been. I find inspiration from quotes and books.
11. Where is your favorite place to work?
I love to work in my living room, on a Sunday late morning when it’s sunny and I can look out my window and enjoy the weather while knotting away inside. My dog is around always and loves to be a part of my inspiration. My boyfriend is a designer who challenges me to try new things and reminds me to get uncomfortable sometimes to grow.
12. How do you start your Monday?
Monday’s start with a coffee, along with every other day of the week. I like to start each day of the week about the same, even on the weekend. I read and drink my coffee for as long as I can, typically 20-30 minutes. Then I take my dog out for our morning walk. Now it’s time to make breakfast and make the bed. Then I get ready and get to work.
13. What are some colors you are connecting with right now?
Terracotta, sage, dusty pink, and mustard. A soft palette mostly with a pop of a bright color is where my heart is leading me.
14. What are some of your favorite textures/ materials?
I love textures, lately fringy and flowy looks are something I am enjoying.
15. What is something you could not live without?
I could not live without my support system, they mean the world to me.
16. If you could travel anywhere in the world for inspiration, where would it be and why?
I would love to travel to a Greece, the Greek islands are breathtaking. The style there is so lovely and I would love to take in the endlessness of the Mediterranean Sea.
17. What’s your favorite season and why?
I love every season, I enjoy how nature seems to take it’s time to remind us of how beautiful change can be, if we just embrace it rather than fight it. If I were to choose one really special season it would be fall, there is a lot to look forward to during this season.
18. What’s your favorite thing to do in Chicago?
I love Chicago, especially hanging in Wicker Park and Lincoln Park. I remember a time when I was visiting friends and we went to a small comedy show in their neighborhood, what a good time.
Where I’m living now, in Santa Monica, CA I love going down to the beach and spending time walking along the ocean and watching as the waves crash along the shore. I can’t get enough time spent by the water.
19. As a busy business owner, how do you avoid burn out?
Phew, that is kind of a no-no word! HAHA. Well, the best way is that when I have a day where I don’t feel like doing one thing, I honor that, I do something else that day. I can get up and do something else for a while and get motivated in another area. If I don’t feel like making a new piece, maybe I start writing and focus on that type of creativity that sparks my energy.
20. What are you looking forward to in 2019?
Personally, I am looking forward to a huge trip that I have been dreaming of for years. My grandmother has passed stories down to me about her time spent in South America, and I will soon be able to find my own narrative about this, after my trip to Peru later this year.
Business related I am looking forward to the new things that I will create that right now, I can’t even imagine. Our worlds expand as we dive into different activities and you never can predict where they will go until you are there, staring at the best thing you have made yet.
21. What is a piece of advice you would tell your past self on the first day you started your business?
I am a firm believer that you can’t think too much about the start of something. If you want to start a blog, do it. If you want to do yoga, do it. If you want to write more, do it. Jump into your life and realize that if you aren’t jumping in, you are placing boundaries on yourself. So in turn you can take those boundaries off of yourself as well. I would tell myself to put myself out there and know that you will find your own stride over time.
22. Any inspirational books you recommend?
I love Elizabeth Gilbert and the way that she is in real life really inspires me, she isn’t afraid to start again. She knows that with each beginning their is fear, but diving in will ignite a new fire in your belly. Her book “Big Magic” has been one of the most inspiring books that I have read.
Why I started Colorful Creatives:
I launched my own Interior Design business last fall with the hope of creating a career and lifestyle in which I could explore my potential, help others, create beautiful and functional spaces, and live my passion. I found myself connecting with business owners of all creative fields and asking them for advice how they started their business. The feedback I received was invaluable and I wanted to share it with the world. Thus Colorful Creatives was born to empower, motivate, and inspire anyone out there who is considering going out on their own creative entrepreneur adventure!
Want to be featured on Colorful Creatives?
I’m always looking for inspiring creative entrepreneurs that are living the dream, being their own boss and pursuing their passion. If you are within the first 5 years of owning your own creative business and want to share your story of breaking away from the 9-5, fill out this form and we’ll be in touch if it’s a good fit!
Colorful Creatives: Xced Design Build
Happy Friday! This week’s feature is a boss babe killing it in the construction industry! I had the pleasure of meeting Chelsey Jackel right after I graduated interior design school. She was a natural mentor and taught me so much about the construction industry. She’s incredibly personable, talented, and cares deeply about doing her absolute best everyday. Chelsey and I recently reconnected upon the opening of her new business, Xced Design Build. Their new studio space is absolutely incredible! Fully designed showroom, studio kitchen, collaborative work area, and a design library.
Happy Friday! This week’s feature is a boss babe killing it in the construction industry! I had the pleasure of meeting Chelsey Jackel right after I graduated interior design school. She was a natural mentor and taught me so much about the construction industry. She’s incredibly personable, talented, and cares deeply about doing her absolute best everyday. Chelsey and I recently reconnected upon the opening of their new office, Xced Design Build. Their new studio space is absolutely incredible! Fully designed showroom, studio kitchen, collaborative work area, and a design library. This space has it all! Their Logan Square studio was designed to serve as a collaborative work space for their Power Partners; independent Chicagoland Interior Designers who strive to learn, grow, and provide exceptional design service to their clients. I became a Power Partner in January and I love being a part of the community. I benefit tremendously from the relationships, co working space, and learning opportunities. They created exactly the space the independent designer community needed. This partnership also creates a trustworthy relationship with a build team you can depend on.
I hope you enjoy learning more about Chelsey and her process of developing her business and herself. One of my favorites quotes from her:
“I am working all the time on me, my journey, my business, my family, my feelings, my purpose and my overall satisfaction in this thing called life! I want that for everyone.”
Chelsey Jackel | Xced Design Build
IG @xceddesignbuild
FB Xced Design Build
Website xceddesignbuild.com
1. How did you get started in the design industry?
I got into interior design through the comfort of my mother’s intuition. When I was a young girl I would tell my parents they weren’t allowed into one of the rooms in our home until I was finished. I organized, rearranged and decorated. In college, I studied architecture and fell in love with the concept of building and creating. I soon moved to Chicago, got an extended degree at Harrington and have been shaping my career ever since.
2. Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
Yes. I grew up in a small town, with a bid city attitude. I imagined running a business at age 9 when my little girlfriends were imagining their white picket house and 3 kids…I’ve always loved economics and business development. It’s so adventurous.
3. When did you know it was the right time to go full time on your business?
I think I was 2 years into my career, when I finally dropped all my other “side gigs” and focused on creating my journey as an interior designer. I sometimes reminisce about serving in the restaurant or comedy clubs that got me by while I was studying in Chicago… and those were learning lessons of how I communicate today, for sure. But today I’m developing more of my passion; nourishing the woman entrepreneur leader that I am becoming in this industry that I love so much.
4. What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome with owning your own business?
I am a partner of my company, Xced Design Build, and fortunately joined into a company where the seed had already been set and roots were planted… I’ve been nurturing the continual growth. The biggest challenge for me, which scares me to say, has been working on myself and focusing back on the elements in my life and career where I was not fully seen or heard and how I am breaking those trends today. The daily challenge is to continue to stay open, be vulnerable, assume good will, and support the feelings and thoughts that flow in me daily.
5. How did you reach your potential clients when first starting your business? Has anything changed in that process now? What have you learned?
I am proud to say that I was a FANTASTIC server back in the day. Starting out in interior design seemed like a perfect fit for me, because I care so deeply about other people and finding resolutions for them and their needs/wants. I have always been able to connect with people on a level that my mother and father taught me… since then, I am seeing how much of that connection was for them, and how little was for me. I am learning now that in order to become more satisfied with my connections with clients or business colleagues, I have to dedicate my work on who I am becoming in every moment and in every interaction. Challenge myself to lean into the uncomfortable. Trust. Assume good will. And continue to show up each day with my intention!
6. Do you feel you need to educate people on what you do? How do you handle that situation?
This is a tricky world. I am constantly battling myself in the practice of saying too much or not saying enough. Education is necessary, but it can also lead to unnecessary overanalyzing, which I believe has become a tactic of protection that our society uses. I have learned and am still learning to handle this area of the industry by educating myself on who I am speaking to in the moment. Being okay with who I am and finding the best way to connect with the other person. I assisted one of my dearest friends in his dance company years ago, and he taught me lots about how to connect with other people. There are many personality traits, and many “personality tests” out there… for me, I listen to the person and find my elements of understanding them, speak on that, and lead them towards understanding me. It’s a tricky game, but it sure is enjoyable and adventurous.
7. What is your favorite & least favorite “hat” to wear as a business owner?
Oh geez… that’s a tough one. I think every day there is a hat that wish I wasn’t wearing. But each day is different, and the very next day I may love the hat I hated before! HAHAHA. I’m learning to be okay with my messiness.
8. How do you stay motivated?
I surround myself with allies. People and coaches that support me and challenge me. My business partner is my strongest ally. He pushes and pulls me in directions and empowers me above many others. I also have a slew of women professionals from all industries who keep me focused on my path.
9. What are you working on right now?
Me! I have been studying under a foundation that has impacted my interactions for my business and for my life. People who have known me for years are starting to say they see a difference in me, and I am grateful for that affirmation every time. I am learning to take in those words more. Let myself feel and shift my thinking of who I am becoming. Design Build wise… we are working on so many awesome projects. Each new luxury project is a chance for our team to show up and show off. Commercial or Residential, we’ve got a team that leads with their best foot forward, and I am so proud of us all.
10. Where do you look for inspiration?
Hmmm… loaded question. I think I get my inspiration from nature. I was at a client’s house in the suburbs and we all spent a moment just looking out the back patio doors, soaking in the beauty of the colors that bounce of the snow when the sun hits it. I breath those moments in and then challenge myself to re-create those moments in design.
11. What is a piece of advice you would tell your past self on the first day you started your business?
I’d tell my young self to Breathe. Take it in and extend it out. Keep breathing and lean in… it’s worth it!!
12. Where is your favorite place to work?
Our studio kitchen. Our new collaborative design studio is fun and interactive, especially on Monday-Wednesday-Fridays when other designers stop by the atelier and grab a seat to work on their projects. I love meeting in the kitchen and walking around, discussing visionary moments with my team and making hot tea or coffee for others as we create. The kitchen was the center of my house hold growing up. It’s becoming the center of our work space here at Xced, and I love it.
13. How do you start your Monday?
I head our leadership training and project “kick off” meetings every Monday morning with my business partner. Our inhouse design and build team all come together to learn more about EI and empowerment. We bounce ideas off each other, input thoughts and feelings towards the subject of the day and lean into the week knowing we are all allies for each other. The kick off meeting takes us into the busy movement for each week’s projects at hand.
14. As a busy business owner, how do you avoid burn out?
I took a class on “soft addictions” by Dr. Judith Wright this last fall and am learning that my burn out only really happens when I find myself doing something that’s not really nourishing. It’s easy to get addicted to a tv series or constantly checking my emails… but in the moment, I’m working on what do I need and want out of this moment. Then I orientate towards that.
15. What are some colors you are connecting with right now?
There are 8 inches of snow outside: “I think white is the most wonderful color of all, because within it one can find every color of the rainbow.” - Richard Meier
16. What is something you could not live without?
Eye contact. I am a big hugger and love snuggling up to my friends and all my nieces and nephews… but eye contact leads me to a space of indescribable connection. Its amazing to see what happens after a quick, but totally connected glance at an ally.
17. What are some of your favorite textures/ materials?
I’ve fallen in love with Schumacher’s patterns lately, and the textures within Holland and Sherry’s multiple textile lines. These two lines were among the firsts to become part of our collaborative atelier for our power partners at the Xced Design Studio.
18. What’s your favorite season and why?
Fall. I love scarves, I love sweaters, I love boots, I love leggings, I love hot cocoa, I love jackets and layers for when the temperature gets just warm enough. I love the colors of the trees, the crisp air and the music in my soul as I open myself up to the love of others; ending the bright sunshine from summer and entering the cuddle-time winter!
19. What’s your favorite thing to do in Chicago?
Walk. There is so much to see and feel in 5 minutes into a client’s home, or 15 minutes to the neighborhood restaurant. Walking my dog around the city for hours used to be the most alive moments for me… I want more of that!
20. Any inspirational books you recommend?
A few years back I read the book Good to Great. A mentor of mine suggested it. I scratched all over my copy like a text book, highlighting and creating and imagining my growth at that time. Things changed in my career and life since then, but I still remember some moments of clarity that really reached me while reading that one.
21. If you could travel anywhere in the world for inspiration, where would it be and why?
Man… you’re good Sarah! I love to travel. I pride myself in having a strong passport history but, know that I’ve only been so far. I think my next journey would be Greece, Netherlands or China. I’ve been intrigued by these three cultures the last couple years and looking for my next journey to discover more.
22. What are you looking forward to in 2019?
The next adventure. 2018 was very alive for me, and I am seeing 2019 as another step into more of who I want to become. I have girlfriends having babies, a family reunion to finish planning, a community to continue volunteering and supporting,
23. Anything I missed that you want to share?
For me, life and business are one in the same. I don’t live to work, or work to live… I am working all the time on me, my journey, my business, my family, my feelings, my purpose and my overall satisfaction in this thing called life! I want that for everyone.
Colorful Creatives: B. Rose Studio
Happy Friday! This week on Colorful Creatives, I share with you an amazing and talented stylist, Bianca DeSantis! I’ve know Bianca for a couple of years now, and it’s been so inspiring to watch her business grow. From personal experience, I can say she gives the absolute BEST hair cuts! In this interview, Bianca shares her story of perusing her passion, and living the life she always dreamed of. Her positive attitude is contagious, and just might inspire you to take a leap of faith and follow your own dreams. One of my favorite quotes from her, “Stop saying tomorrow, make changes to seize the opportunities for success today.”
Happy Friday! This week on Colorful Creatives, I share with you an amazing and talented stylist, Bianca DeSantis, owner of B. Rose Studio! I’ve know Bianca for a couple of years now, and it’s been so inspiring to watch her business grow. From personal experience, I can say she gives the absolute BEST hair cuts! In this interview, Bianca shares her story of pursuing her passion, and living the life she always dreamed of. Her positive attitude is contagious, and just might inspire you to take a leap of faith and follow your own dreams. One of my favorite quotes from her, “Stop saying tomorrow, make changes to seize the opportunities for success today.” I hope you enjoy learning more about this girl boss and be sure to follow her on social media!
1. How did you get started in the beauty industry?
I’ve always had a passion for the beauty industry. From as young as I can remember, I was fascinated with hair and makeup and the work that went into creating looks. Anytime I could get my hands on anything, I would. I hustled girls in highschool for hair and makeup for proms and homecomings! I ended up attending the Aveda Institute of Chicago the fall after graduating high school in 2010.
2. Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
I always knew I wanted to be in the beauty industry, the entrepreneur side of that came later on in life. When your working hard and connecting with people and building your own business behind the chair, something lights a fire in you to say “ Hey! I can do this, all on my own!”
3. When did you know it was the right time to go full time on your business?
I began not loving my job, which was extremely sad because it's the only career I've ever had any interest in pursuing. An opportunity came up that I just couldn't pass up. Sola offered me the freedom of being my own boss, while creating a space that allowed me to be my most authentic self in every possible way, all while not having to deal with the traditional salon woes. The thought of not having to give someone half my money anymore definitely was a huge bonus as well!
4. What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome with owning your own business?
Owning your own salon is HARD work! People often fail because they don't realize the work that goes into running a successful salon. When you open your own suite, as I did, you wear every single hat a business owner may encounter. Not only are you the talent, but you become receptionist, the manager, the accountant, the cleaning crew, the social media team, and that's just naming a few! It definitely was an adjustment to find a good work and life balance all while making sure every aspect of my salon was pristine and lived up the mission I started the salon on.
5. What is your favorite & least favorite “hat” to wear as a business owner?
I just love doing hair, it allows me to stay creative everyday and make people feel absolutely incredible about themselves. I do not like accounting! Never been a numbers girl, I’ve always been more of an artistic soul, so number counting and crunching has never appealed to me.
6. How did you reach your potential clients when first starting your business? Has anything changed in that process now? What have you learned?
Word of mouth will always reign king, but Instagram is definitely standing right next to that as queen. In this day and age, everyone, including myself, wants instant gratification. With Instagram your able to search a hashtag or browse someone's work right from the comfort of your own phone any day, anytime. Instagram and Facebook have been huge in building my clientele. The process has changed because I'm starting to build a larger clientele and the new clients are coming easy without having to do as much on my social platforms. I still keep my digital portfolio up to date so any new clients have my work at their hands. My biggest learning moment was always keeping yourself respectfully open. People ask me all the time what that means, that means being flexible with clients all while still respecting your own personal time. After all, we open our own salons and suites to make our lives easier, right?
7. Do you feel you need to educate people on what you or why you charge what you do? How do you handle that situation?
I’m super fortunate to be at a place in my career where clients are super respectful of my time and know my pricing reflects that. I make sure every client gets the same service and quality every time they walk in, whether its their first or fortieth appointment. I always educate my clients on what I am doing with their hair so they are able to be comfortable with proceeding in whatever service we may choose to do. If that time does come, I always ask people, what is your time worth? Would you rather pay more money to have an expert give you the exact look you are wanting or pay less and then have to invest more into getting the look you were originally looking to achieve.
8. How do you start your Monday?
Mondays are my days off! I always start with a workout with my trainer. I then come home for breakfast and walk my dog! The rest of the day is every changing. Some days I'll take clients, some classes, or just sometimes catching up with friends or getting groceries. It's my day to prepare myself and get ready for my busy week.
9. How do you stay motivated?
My clients, 100%. Seeing them come in and tell me about engagements, pregnancies, job promotions and so much more makes my day. I essentially also become a therapist. I get to share some of the most intimate moments with clients, even before they may share with friends or family. May those moments be good or bad, they always know I'll be there to listen. Knowing they count on me to nail it for them every single time is all i need to keep doing this forever.
10. Where is your favorite place to work?
Always in the suite with Ariana Grande Pandora on! Preferably on a super sunny day! Haha
11. Where do you look for inspiration?
Sola is an incredible concept. It's a bunch of small salons under one roof. I am so fortunate to have so many suite mates who keep me encouraged and inspired every single day. No one of us does the same exact thing and we bounce everything from formulations to placements off of each other. The energy you feel when you walk into our location is amazing. We run that place on good vibes only!
12. What are you working on right now?
I’m currently working on expanding my business in the near future and investing in some fun education that will take my skill to the next level. I love the ever changing beauty industry. It keeps my life very fun and exciting and I adore keeping up with the new techniques and trends.
13. What are some of your favorite textures/ materials?
I personally love mixing metals and fur. There is this edgy glamor too it that speaks to me on a different level. My favorite textures have to be velvet and leather. I love how raw each material can be depending on how it is and no two every are exactly the same.
14. What are some colors you are connecting with right now?
GOLDS ALWAYS! I love that the hair and beauty industry is shying away from dull dark hues and heading for more rich and luxurious colors. I think gold is so versatile in hair, makeup, jewelry and even in your home. Timeless and classic, just the way I like things!
15. As a busy business owner, how to do avoid burn out?
I plan very frequent trips to Florida, my second favorite place on earth besides Chicago. When I'm down there, I get to live the island life: No worries and no hurries. I get to spend tons of time with my fiance and disconnect from the business, which isn't something we get to do much of here. Oceanside with a cocktail is never a bad idea.
16. If you could travel anywhere in the world for inspiration, where would it be and why?
I love the trends in Italy and Spain. There is this old world elegance mixed with a modern, carefree mentality that keeps me forever intrigued. I think they are such fascinating people with impeccable style.
17. What is something you could not live without?
So hard! Haha My fiance, keeps me sane. My dog, keeps me calm. My phone, keeps me connected.
18. What’s your favorite season and why?
Nowhere in the world has anything on summertime in Chicago! Being close by water and feeling the sun is most definitely my happy place. I love that there's a street fest everywhere you turn and my friends are constantly out somewhere new trying a new brunch. It helps you to keep falling in love with the city. You never have to do the same thing twice.
19. What’s your favorite thing to do in Chicago?
I live in Printers Row, so it's very easy for me to fall back into being a tourist in my own city. I grew up in Lincoln Park and loved every minute of it. Now I can walk my dog to Buckingham fountain for our nightly walk or just head over to Millennium Park in the summer for a concert. I sometimes have to take a breath, look around and pinch myself that I get to live in a city as beautiful as this one every single day.
20. What are you looking forward to in 2019?
I am so very excited to make huge moves with my business. I have big plans for expanding, not only my business, but certain aspects of my skill set to help me reach my full potential moving towards being the best stylist I can be. I also get to marry my best friend in April and we are so excited to see what the next chapter of life holds for us!
21. What is a piece of advice you would tell your past self on the first day you started your business?
Breathe! You GOT this and were born to do this!
22. Any inspirational books you recommend?
I have always been obsessed with Sophia Amoruso, the original #Girlboss herself! The book literally tells you the sky IS the limit! I would also recommend for everyone to read You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero as well. My client who left the finance industry to pursue a now extremely successful career in real estate gifted this book to me on the 3rd day of my salon being open. I finished it in 2 days! It was everything I needed to hear as a new entrepreneur and so much more.
23. Anything I missed that you want to share?
If you're reading this and debating what move you should make in life, look at your life right now. Whatever is happening, in your career, relationship or anything else, think about how you feel in this moment. Now imagine your life 6 weeks, 6 months and 6 years down the road. Will you stay in that mindset for all that time, or will you make your change towards greatness? Stop saying tomorrow, make changes to seize the opportunities for success today.
Colorful Creatives: Rachel Serb Photography
Rachel Serb is a Chicago Photographer, specializing in maternity, newborn, infant milestone, and family photos. In this interview, Rachel shares how she started her photography business, how she landed her first clients, and what keeps her motivated today. With the launch of her new branding for 2019, I’m so excited to share this week on Colorful Creatives, Rachel Serb Photography.
We made it through the polar vortex and it’s finally starting to warm up! I’ll admit I really haven’t left my home/office much this week at all, perks of being self employed! This last month, I’ve been working hard on putting together new Colorful Creatives interviews, design blogs, and behind the scenes on my interior design projects. 2019 is going to be a great year!
I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Rachel over the last couple years and watched her develop as a photographer. She has a fantastic eye and is really able to capture the perfect moments, creating lasting memories for families to cherish. She just re branded her business from Little Dumpling Photography to Rachel Serb Photography and the new look is stunning! I’m particularly excited to share Rachel’s interview as her path to entrepreneurship wasn’t always planned. Her strength as a mom helped her overcome challenges with her family’s health, and out of necessity for flexible work hours, she found her creative passion. Sometimes life doesn’t always go as planned, but you always find yourself right where you need to be. This girl boss is killing it and is an inspiration for us all. I hope you enjoy getting to know Rachel Serb and be sure to follow her on social media!
Rachel Serb | Rachel Serb Photography
FB Rachel Serb Photography
IG Rachelserbphotography
TW rachelserbphoto
1. How did you get started as a photographer? Do you have an educational background in photography?
I definitely do not have a background in photography. I never really knew I wanted to be a photographer full time until I started making strides to launch my business full time. I grew up pretty much always wanting to be a teacher. I hold a masters degree in education and I have several years’ teaching experience. After I took maternity leave with my son, I never went back into the classroom. My little one was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder and I needed to stay home with him for quite some time- he was unable to go to daycare. I needed a job that offered more flexibility. I always dabbled in photography. Every teacher has a “side hustle” and photography was definitely mine. I decided to launch my business full time so I could earn an income but have more flexibility around my son’s condition. I have now been running a successful business since 2016. I have recently re branded and my son is doing quite well with the help of neupogen injections. We have another little boy on the way.
2. Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
Not at all! It just kind of fell into my lap. I totally love it though. I love being my own boss.
3. When did you know it was the right time to go full time on your business?
It slowly progressed into full time work. I definitely work full time hours now. However, I didn’t at the beginning. I had to work really hard building up a client base at first. Now, most of my clients are return clients. I am always happy to meet new families, too.
4. What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome with owning your own business?
My biggest struggle has been finding a way to balance my son’s health issues and growing my business. Growing a business is difficult and very time-consuming. After making the decision to open Rachel Serb Photography things have fallen into place. Things have a way of working out when you are doing what you are meant to do. My husband and mother have been super supportive of my business. When I first started- I spent lots of time editing sessions for clients in a hospital room with my son. Now things are a lot better regarding his health— but it’s still hard to find enough hours in the day managing a toddler (while being pregnant) and working full time. Every day is a little bit crazier than the last.
5. How did you reach your potential clients when first starting your business? Has anything changed in that process now? What have you learned?
I started marketing in “mom groups” on Facebook! I never really marketed to friends and family. I wanted to go and seek out my own “real” clients- not just friends. Haha! Now-- I still use social media quite a bit, but in a different way. Facebook is a great tool! I also keep clients up to date with an email list, etc. I also make sure my clients are super happy and love their photos so they return and refer their friends. Referrals are HUGE!
6. Do you feel you need to educate people on what you do? How do you handle that situation?
Totally! People think I just come to them and take a few photos. They definitely don’t see how much work goes into the back end. There are also SO many expenses that go into running a business. Taxes, insurance, equipment, etc. I spend hours editing photos to perfection. Most individuals don’t know how much work goes into the final product. Between marketing, emailing clients, setting up shoots and sending out contracts, editing, importing and exporting photos, etc. I would estimate maybe 1/50th of my time is actually spent shooting. REALLY. I do, however, want my clients to have a seamless experience. I don’t want them to see how much work goes into a session. I want them to have it easy and just have fun and be relaxed-- make memories with their kids.
7. What is your favorite & least favorite “hat” to wear as a business owner?
I HATE working on website stuff. Rebranding was a huge pain, but SO worth it. I don’t like dealing with domains, SEO, etc.
8. As a busy business owner, how to do avoid burn out?
Just make sure you keep doing what you love. Look at the big picture. Why did you start your business? Certain seasons are hard but it is all worth it. I get better at facing challenges every day.
9. Where do you look for inspiration?
All over! I get ideas from my clients. I am always open to trying new things. Many times, clients come to me with a specific idea in mind. I also love to see what other photographers are doing too. Chicago has a great community of photographers and we love bouncing ideas off each other and giving each other tips!
10. How do you stay motivated?
It is pretty easy for me to stay motivated. I truly work hard and keep long hours, but I love what I do. I love my clients. I love seeing them happy. I LOVE seeing my clients cry when they look at photos of their children. I love making moms feel beautiful. I love watching my baby clients grow. I love my job. It is easy to do something you love.
11. How do you start your Monday?
I try to take Monday off--- sooooo COFFEE!
12. What are you working on right now?
Still working on finishing up the tail end of my rebrand. I changed my business name from Little Dumpling Photography to Rachel Serb Photography. I am also working on booking Spring/Summer 2019!
13. Where is your favorite place to work?
My favorite place to shoot is outside! I love love love shooting outside in the fall. I also really love shooting in my client’s homes. Kiddos are usually quick to warm up in home and we get some great photos. You don’t need to have the “picture perfect” home to get great photos.
14. What are some colors you are connecting with right now?
I love blush pinks and sage greens.
15. What are some of your favorite textures/ materials?
Marble, driftwood, greenery!
16. What is something you could not live without?
My son. My hubby. Coffee. My camera. Coffee. My mama.
17. What’s your favorite thing to do in Chicago?
I love going to the Shed with my son
18. If you could travel anywhere in the world for inspiration, where would it be and why?
I really loved shooting in Ireland. I am dying to go back.
19. What’s your favorite season and why?
Fall. It is my busy season and the PERFECT time for family photos.
20. What are you looking forward to in 2019?
The birth of our 2nd son.
21. What is a piece of advice you would tell your past self on the first day you started your business?
Value yourself. Value your time. Value what you bring to the table.
22. Any inspirational books you recommend?
The Little Engine that Could? Haha! Most of my time is spent reading to my son these days.
Colorful Creatives: & She’s Brave / Brave Girl Club
Meet Lizzie, graphic designer, social media guru, and branding extraordinaire for & She’s Brave and the Brave Girl Club. One of the best things about Lizzie is that she is so authentic. She knows who she is, what she likes and shes not ashamed to just be herself. I hope you enjoy reading about Lizzie’s journey to becoming her own boss and living her best life!
Happy Friday! Only twelve days left till Christmas, and even through I’ve been swamped this week with work, I’m full of holiday spirit! I finally checked out Frosty’s Christmas Bar and wow that place really is a winter wonderland! I went to Frosty’s with my amazing and talented cousin Michelle to celebrate her graduating from Northeastern Illinois University and becoming an elementary school teacher. Proud cousin moment! It’s amazing to be around other strong, confidant women that have found their calling and that are pursuing their passions. Wishing you the best of luck on this new chapter of your life Michelle!
On that note of strong, confident women. Meet Lizzie, graphic designer, social media guru, and branding extraordinaire for & She’s Brave and the Brave Girl Club. Sometimes life puts you on a completely different path than you expected and while it may not always be great, there’s usually a reason and a silver lining. For me, this year had it’s ups and downs, but meeting Lizzie was a silver lining. Lizzie was an instrumental part in building my confidence to finally start my own business. Since we both went through the process of becoming entrepreneurs around the same time, it’s been awesome to reach out to each other for feedback and support. Her online community The Brave Creative | A Community for Brave Girls with Big Dreams actually inspired me to start Colorful Creatives, as I was connecting with other like minded creatives in her group. One of the best things about Lizzie is that she is so authentic. She knows who she is, what she likes and shes not ashamed to just be herself. I hope you enjoy reading about Lizzie’s journey to becoming her own boss and living her best life!
Lizzie Benson | & She’s Brave / Brave Girl Club
IG andshesbrave
IG bravegirlclub
Pinterest bravegirlclub
FB andshesbrave
1. How did you get started with & She’s Brave and Brave Girl Club? Do you have an educational background in your field?
I started a blog my freshman year of college as a creative outlet. I quickly found a wonderful community online and started to get more serious about blogging, social media, etc. Over the years, I taught myself a ton about social media strategy, marketing, and graphic design as I worked on my own website and social channels. My junior year of college, I started marketing my services as a virtual assistant and social media manager. I found a couple wonderful clients quickly and worked with them for a number of years. I was earning a degree in Journalism, but had figured out through my side gig that I was much more interested in marketing, PR, and social media than I was traditional news journalism. My senior year I applied for a social media internship at my university’s communications department. I never heard back about it until I got a phone call like 3 months later from the head of the marketing department. She said that the person who was running the social media internship had passed along my info to her, and they wanted to meet with me to see if I’d be interested. Long story short, I got the internship in the marketing department and it turned into my first full time job after graduation. I worked there for a year and a half, then at the beginning of this year, I moved to Chicago for another job in social media. I was still working on design, blogging, and my own brand in my free time. The new job turned out not to be a good situation, and it gave me the push I needed to pursue my own business(es) full time as of October of this year!
2. Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
I never in a million years thought I would end up as an entrepreneur, mostly because I always thought it was at odds with my creative sensibilities. But I should have known, because as a child I was constantly making crafts or marketing services to my poor family members to make some extra pocket money. I used to paint shiny pennies with glittery clear nail polish and sell them as “lucky pennies” for 50 cents. Now that’s a good profit margin!
3. Do you work a day job or are you full time on your business? When did you know it was the right time to go full time on your business?
Just over a month ago I took my business full time. To be honest, I had no idea if it was the right time or not. It had been my side hustle for over 5 years and while I had a distant dream of someday being my own boss, I definitely didn’t think I’d paid enough dues to make that a reality as a 24 year old. However, I was working a job that made me miserable every single day and it was increasingly becoming a worse and worse situation. I knew I needed to change courses, but the idea of interviewing around and finding just another 9-5 job that I knew I wouldn’t be 100% passionate about bummed me out so much. I started saving up all my extra money (which was no easy feat, I’m a total shopaholic) and having long conversations about finances and plans with my boyfriend and with myself. I realized there would never be a time where it felt 100% right to take the leap, so I finally just had to do it. And I’ve been so blessed to have seen my hard work pay off in the past month.
4. What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome with owning your own business?
My main one right now is time management. Working from home every single day and setting your own schedule is wonderful, but it can be easy to lose focus and not know what to spend time and energy on. I remember waking up on my first day as a full time business owner and sitting down at my desk, ready to work - then having absolutely no idea what I was supposed to be doing. I had so many to do lists but all the things I wanted to accomplish turned into a spiraling black hole in my mind. Being organized and learning how to be a good time manager are invaluable skills as a business owner.
5. What is your favorite & least favorite “hat” to wear as a business owner?
My favorite hat to wear is probably that of the creator. As in, I love being able to sit down at my computer and work on creative things that fill up my soul and know that I’m helping other amazing business women build beautiful brands and pursue their own dreams and goals. My least favorite hat is definitely the accountant. I hate math and I hate thinking about taxes and cash flow. This is definitely the first thing I’m going to outsource when I get to that point.
6. How do you stay motivated?
By reminding myself how incredibly lucky I am to be doing what I do now. Sometimes when I get bogged down or overwhelmed or frustrated it’s easy to fall into an ungrateful mindset. When that happens I take a second, take a breath, and tell myself that I get to wake up everyday and choose where I work and when and on what. And that is an amazing freedom to have, and I never want to take it for granted.
7. What are you working on right now?
I currently have three different clients who I am helping create a brand identity and logo for their businesses. That is my absolute FAVORITE thing to do. I love logos and wordmarks and designing them, but I also love digging in deep to other people’s businesses and learning what they’re passionate about and who they help and what makes them tick. It’s so fulfilling and so fun!
8. Where is your favorite place to work?
Any coffee shop. I just love the hustle and bustle and being able to be part of a crowd while still keeping to yourself. It’s so comforting to me to set up shop in the corner of some cozy coffee shop and get to work.
9. Where do you look for inspiration?
I love reading other lifestyle and design blogs and scrolling through Instagram and Pinterest. There are so many incredible people in the world creating such beautiful things. The trick is to not get bogged down by the comparison game, especially on social media, which can be a fine line to walk sometimes!
10. How do you start your Monday?
I grab a cup of coffee, sit down at my desk, browse through my favorite blogs for inspiration, then spend a while answering emails and tending to whatever admin tasks I need for the day. I also like to take a look at my priorities and what I need to work on for the day and the week.
11. What are some colors you are connecting with right now?
Literally everything I create right now is either mustard gold, blush pink, or dusty blue. I don’t know what it is with the gold, but I’m so drawn to it. Everything I gravitate to is that color.
12. What are some of your favorite textures/ materials?
I’m such a sucker for velvet anything, and I really love natural woven textures lately.
13. What is something you could not live without?
14. Where is your favorite place to travel and with who?
Any place I haven’t been before. I love exploring new places with my best friends or my boyfriend.
15. What’s your favorite thing to do in Chicago?
I love exploring all the cool and quirky little neighborhoods that are all over the place in Chicago. But I also really love walking around Michigan Avenue. Yes it’s totally touristy and crowded and sometimes super overwhelming, but I’ve wanted to live in a big city since I was like 8 years old, so I love to take a moment, stare up at all the giant buildings and lights and people and remind myself how lucky I am to be here.
16. Any inspirational books you recommend?
I love Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Yes Please by Amy Poehler and Bossy Pants by Tina Fey. Basically any inspirational book by an amazing woman is a gold star for me.
Colorful Creatives: The Letter J Creates
This week, I introduce you to Jess, a self taught calligrapher from The Letter J Creates. Jess has mastered work life balance as a mom of two little ones, Zoey (4) and Zack (2), while running her calligraphy business. She’s also a Honeybook Educator, Wildflower Art Studio Ambassador, and co-founder of Naperville Weddings. I hope you enjoy getting the know more about Jess and The Letter J Creates. Please follow her on social media and leave us a comment.
Happy Friday! We’re one week into December, the tree is up, I’ve finally started my holiday shopping and my calendar is packed with work and personal events. I find that it’s so important to take time to recharge during this time of the year, making sure not to get burned out. I try to schedule time on Sunday's to restore and get ready for the new week ahead. It’s no secret that Monday is my favorite day of the week, just as long as I’ve had time to get my life in order on Sunday! I’d love to hear your tips for staying balanced during the holiday season, drop them in the comments on FB or IG!
This week, I introduce you to Jess, a self taught calligrapher from The Letter J Creates. Jess has mastered work life balance as a mom of two little ones, Zoey (4) and Zack (2), while running her calligraphy business. She’s also a Honeybook Educator, Wildflower Art Studio Ambassador, and co-founder of Naperville Weddings. I hope you enjoy getting the know more about Jess and The Letter J Creates. Please follow her on social media and leave us a comment.
Want to be featured on Colorful Creatives? If you or someone you know is a creative entrepreneur in Chicago, living their best life and wants to share their journey, email me at Sarah@SarahJacquelynInteriors.com. Shoot me an email just to say hello too! I love connecting with new people.
Jess Grabowski | The Letter J Creates
FB theletterjcreates
IG theletterjcreates
1. How did you get started doing calligraphy?
I got started on my own about 5 years ago. I started by wanting to make decor for my home. I did not know that this is where I would have ended up. I am self taught (thank you YouTube and Instagram)
2. Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
Not at all. I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom. Now I am both and it’s perfect.
3. What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome with owning your own business?
Finding clients who value real art and the simplicity in things. There are so many mass produced art pieces. That is so disappointing to me, because I find that one of a kind art is so much more valuable.
4. What is your favorite & least favorite “hat” to wear as a business owner?
Favorite - photographer for social media, least - dealing with invoicing
5. How do you stay motivated?
My little ones keep me going. They have a tremendous amount of energy so when I try to work at night, it can be difficult, but it’s all worth it. To me, I have everything I wanted. I have a beautiful family and get to work as an artist. It’s so free and exciting, being my own boss.
6. What are you working on right now?
I have an exclusive line with Shawn Sargent Designs in Glen Ellyn, just finishing up my 2019 calendar, and weddings. I accept 2 wedding commissions a month*
7. Where do you look for inspiration?
Nature usually. I do wander the internet looking for quotes/writing prompts from time to time.
8. How do you start your Monday?
With coffee and my laptop
9. What are some colors you are connecting with right now?
All the shades of fall. Until it’s too late. I have reviewed a few pens/markers that have my favorite fall colors. Blues will be next!
10. What are some of your favorite textures/ materials to work with?
I adore watercolor and acrylic paint. They are so different, but fun to play with. I think they add quite a bit to my calligraphy.
11. What is something you could not live without?
Socks and a mocha frapp (aside from my family)
12. If you could travel anywhere in the world for inspiration, where would it be and why?
Tokyo - all the pens are there
13. What’s your favorite part of December?
Holiday spirit and shopping. I do love the minimalist lifestyle, but find it hard during this time. I absolutely love all of the festivities and food with family!
14. What’s your favorite thing to do in Chicago?
Just walk and take pictures. It’s so beautiful.
15. Any inspirational books you recommend?
How to win friends and influence people
Colorful Creatives: Audrey Simper Photography
This week I interviewed Audrey Simper, a Chicago boudoir and portrait photographer. She’s the queen of female empowerment and helping other woman see how beautifully they truly are. There’s no better word to describe this interview than authentic. She shares with us the journey of finding herself and how she became the boss babe that she is today. One of my favorite lines from Audrey: “When you put yourself in the life you want to be living, you have no other choice but to make it work out.” Enjoy getting to know Audrey Simper and be sure to follow her on Facebook and Instagram!
Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! For those of you that are new to this blog series, prepare to meet some of the most inspirational and motivational creative entrepreneurs in Chicago. I feature a new young creative entrepreneur each week that is living their best life, to help encourage you to finally turn that side hustle into your full time job!
This week I interviewed Audrey Simper, a Chicago boudoir and portrait photographer. Audrey and I met in college and I immediately felt a wonderfully contagious, positive energy about her. Flash forward to 2018 and I see her amazing work all over Instagram. She’s an inspiration and one to watch. She’s the queen of female empowerment and helping other woman see how beautiful they truly are. There’s no better word to describe this interview than authentic. She shares with us the journey of finding herself and how she became the boss babe that she is today. One of my favorite lines from Audrey: “When you put yourself in the life you want to be living, you have no other choice but to make it work out.” Enjoy getting to know Audrey Simper and be sure to follow her on Facebook and Instagram!
Audrey Simper | Audrey Simper Photography
IG @audreysimper
FB Audrey Simper Photography
Blog www.audreysimper.com/blog
1. How did you get started with photography?
I’ve been a creative for as long as I can remember. I dabbled in many different forms of art. It gave me the freedom to express myself and found it consumed me for hours. Before Photography I used to draw. After taking all the drawing classes I could possibly take in high school I found Photography next. I fell in love with Photoshop and creating stories through images. I became so inspired by this medium that I spent most of my free time planning, creating, and dreaming of what I could compose next. I grew up believing that artists don’t make money and that it isn’t a “real job”. So I went to study Architecture for two years only to drop out when I started to get paid for my photography work and a realization that Photography was my real passion.
2. Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
In a way, yes. I always knew that I was destined for something greater than a 9-5 and I really enjoy being the boss ;) I am usually always more comfortable leading than following.
3. When did you know it was the right time to go full time on your business?
I’ve run my business full time since 2015. I knew it was the right time when I was previously living a pretty safe life, I was uncomfortable taking big risks. Committing to my business full time seemed like one. I honestly wanted an escape. I decided to quit working as a Nanny, take a break from my business and move to another country to live with my boyfriend at the time. But there I really hit rock bottom. Nothing was going as planned and my worst fears came to life. During this low I read a book called “You’re A Badass” by Jen Sincero. That book inspired me to completely change my life and the way I was thinking. I decided to move to Chicago, get my dream apartment, and commit to my business 110%. I had no idea how I was going to do that since all I had was one month’s rent. But this book prepared me for that. When you put yourself in the life you want to be living, you have no other choice but to make it work out. And that’s exactly what happened. I had faith in myself and the world, I ignored the worried voices in my head by practicing gratitude, meditation and visualization.
4. What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome with owning your own business?
Definitely committing to go full time despite my bank account has been the hardest challenge so far. After that, it was deciding to raise my prices. It’s scary to raise your prices to a number that not even you could afford and having to say no to potential business that doesn’t meet your prices. Really learning to value myself and my work has been a huge mountain to overcome. But on the other side you learn that there is always going to be someone who can afford what you offer as long as they value it. It simply takes believing.
5. What is your favorite & least favorite “hat” to wear as a business owner?
My favorite hat to wear is the creator hat. I love planning for a shoot, visualizing the looks, shooting, and finally editing and seeing my vision come to life. Editing is honestly my favorite part of this process because my vision is 90% complete which is so exciting! My least favorite hat to wear is the networking hat. I love socializing and talking about what I do, but when I force myself to start conversations among strangers with the pressure of selling myself I feel so uncomfortable and usually end up going home. I know that I have the power to overcome this by understanding that networking events are really just an opportunity for socializing! But I just don’t want to do it right now.
6. How do you stay motivated?
This is a great question. I feel that in this society we have a lot of pressure on us to WORK HARD. And if you’re not seeing results then well, “you’re probably not working hard enough”. This couldn’t be further from the truth. I believe in working smarter not harder. And I believe and stand for self-love. Being kind to ourselves in so important. I stay motivated by recognizing when i’m unmotivated, consciously allowing myself to step away from my work and do something that inspires me in that moment, something I DO feel motivation for. Then when I feel motivated and inspired to go back to work, I will. And I don’t worry about when I will because I know I will feel it eventually. If I didn’t it would imply that it’s no longer something I’m passionate about and I really shouldn’t be doing it then should I? So in short I would say that I simply stay motivated by making my happiness my priority and despite what others want to believe, I know that this is right for me.
7. What are you working on right now?
I’m working on launching my third annual Valentine’s Boudoir Event. I’m also working on launching something completely different and unrelated to photography. Something to inspire and help others feel happy and empowered in life in general.
8. Where do you look for inspiration?
I currently get inspiration from my favorite teachers. I have gone to their workshops and continuously listen to them on Youtube, probably everyday. They are:
Sue Bryce | Abraham Hicks |Joe Dispenza | Teal Swan
9. Where is your favorite place to work?
In my live-in studio. I love my space, it’s full of natural light and decor that pleases me and I can get up and dance whenever I want.
10. How do you start your Monday?
I wake up and spend 5-20 minutes in a silent meditation. Then I follow that up with what I like to call a gratitude rampage. The rampage involves listing all the things in my life that I am grateful for, especially the ones I might normally take for granted. I don’t get out of bed until I feel really good. I’ll grab some coffee or make a smoothie or both. I’ll usually do some work at home for a few hours before heading to the gym.
11. What are some of your favorite textures/ materials?
Fluffy faux fur, reflective golds, soft and cozy knit sweaters, dark or grey wood floors, marble
12. What are some colors you are connecting with right now?
Soft pinks, baby blue, tropical greens, & gold.
13. If you could travel anywhere in the world for inspiration, where would it be and why?
Right now, Hawaii. Maybe it’s the winter talking, but I feel so inspired to spend time on the beach, drinking smoothies and constantly waking up to a stunning landscape. Maybe that’s because it’s so different from where I live now, I’d love to create endless images with a backdrop like that.
14. What’s your favorite part of November/December?
Spending the holidays with my family.
15. What’s your favorite thing to do in Chicago?
AcroYoga! About 3 days a week I meetup with other acroyogis and practice for fun.
📸 @dmytro_nor
16. Any inspirational books you recommend?
Colorful Creatives: Wrightwood Candle Company
If you want to check a few people off your holiday shopping list, you have to check out Wrightwood Candle Company. This girl boss is living the dream. Her custom, hand crafted candles are beautifully made and the perfect gift for anyone on your list. I loved chatting with her about how she stated her business, what keeps her motivated, and how she found an awesome and supportive community among other talented makers in Chicago. Check out her interview and be sure to follow her on social media!
Happy Friday! Can you believe we are less than one week away from Thanksgiving? This month is flying by and I’m nowhere near ready for the holidays. I haven’t even started on my Christmas list, though my husband and have decided to make a few creative, thoughtful gifts this year and purchase from small local businesses. It does help to have a creative husband who has so many hobbies and skills. Even as I write this he is accurately painting a miniature (1/32 scale) Mach 5 car that he 3D printed earlier this week, just for fun.
If you want to check a few people off your holiday shopping list, you have to check out Wrightwood Candle Company. This girl boss is living the dream. Her custom, hand crafted candles are beautifully made and the perfect gift for anyone on your list. I loved chatting with her about how she started her business, what keeps her motivated, and how she found an awesome and supportive community among other talented makers in Chicago. Check out her interview and be sure to follow her on social media!
Hannah Perri | Wrightwood Candle Company
IG wrightwoodcandleco
FB wrightwoodcandleco
Etsy Shop
1. How did you start Wrightwood Candle Company?
Funny enough, candlemaking started out as nothing more than a hobby. I was working in recruiting at an awesome ad tech company in Chicago, and although I loved working in recruiting/HR, I had always imagined myself breaking away from my 9-5 job and working for myself one day. My mom always had candles burning in my home growing up so it was no surprise that I would love them just as much as an adult. When I decided to buy my first candle making kit, I figured “hey, at least I don’t have to spend so much money on candles anymore and can make them without all the bad chemicals.” Little did I know, this hobby would quickly turn into something I really enjoyed and was passionate about.
2. Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
I had always wanted to work for myself, but it wasn’t until I found candlemaking that I knew exactly how that would come to fruition. I am still learning more and more about small business ownership everyday and that is what keeps it so exciting!
3. When did you know it was the right time to go full time on Wrightwood Candle Company?
I am full-time with my business, and trust me, deciding to leave my full-time job before I started this company was not an easy decision. My husband and I had many long, thoughtful conversations about it. I ultimately felt like this was the “right time” in my life to do it. I felt ready to make a change and wanted to start my company before starting a family. I also wanted to make sure I was giving 100% of myself to whatever I was doing and feared something would have to give. I have so much respect for people that juggle starting a small business and their full-time work, and am very fortunate I was able to dedicate myself to this craft full-time.
4. What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome with owning your own business?
There is quite a learning curve and it is an adjustment! I went from working below a manager with a great, supportive team around me to working on my own and managing the business, marketing, sales, accounting, production, etc. I had no idea about the legality behind starting my own company either. There was a lot to take in! Luckily, I have made friends with other makers in Chicago, am active in online candlemaking groups, and have done a lot of networking in general. Everyone’s advice and support has been amazing!
5. What is your favorite & least favorite “hat” to wear as a business owner?
My favorite hat is being able to be creative and do whatever I want with my business! That is what makes it so fun. The possibilities are endless! I don’t know if I want to call it my least favorite hat, but I did have to step out of my comfort zone when I decided to participate in art markets. Although I am outgoing and enjoying talking with people, the thought of having to sell my products in-person to strangers intimidated me a bit. I am glad I overcame it though because I really enjoy them!
6. How do you stay motivated?
I am so motivated by all the other amazing makers out there. They’re incredible!
7. What are you working on right now?
Right now, I am in the process of building my website and developing a line of woodwick candles. I am hoping for a December/January launch for both. Aside from that, I have been busy creating candles for upcoming holiday markets, and I just recently partnered with The Morning List on a fun project. Stay tuned :)
8. How do you start your Monday?
With a chai tea and my to do list. I work on my to-do list for the week every Sunday evening and then organize my week and what I have to work on Monday mornings.
9. Where is your favorite place to work?
When I am not making candles, it is my couch. There is nothing like kicking my feet up, turning on some calming music, and working away with my dog at my feet. She’s the cutest, by the way.
10. What are some colors you are connecting with right now?
This time of year, I start to get excited over jewel tones. Ruby red, emerald green, yellow topaz, rich magenta, and sapphire blue. I don’t know if they’re still popular, but I love them!
11. What are some of your favorite textures/materials?
Anything natural or organic. When I come up with my event displays, I love incorporating natural wood elements, green plants, and galvanized metal.
12. Where do you look for inspiration?
Nature is a big inspiration for sure! I love the smell of walking through a forest, the way the leaves smell once they’ve fallen from the trees, the scent the air has after it rains, etc. All of it comes into play when I am coming up with a new candle scent!
13. What is something you could not live without?
Besides the obvious (family, friends, pets)...I would have to say Mexican food. I could eat tacos every. single. day.
14. Where is your favorite place to travel and with who?
My husband is my travel buddy! We recently visited Kauai and it was amazing. Other than that, we love visiting my aunt and uncle in Portland, Oregon. Sadly, we haven't been able to make it there the past few years. We are traveling to Paris and throughout Italy next summer so I have a feeling those will be in my top places soon!
15. What’s your favorite thing to do in Chicago?
EAT! But really. There are sooo many amazing places to dine in Chicago. I haven’t even scratched the surface. Aside from that, I love spending time near (or on) the lake in the summer.
16. Any inspirational books you recommend?
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. It’s amazing!
Colorful Creatives: The Morning List
The Morning List is a lifestyle brand and website. Bringing you inspiring stories, noteworthy news, style tips, advice and so much more. The Morning List hopes is to inspire, encourage and spark your creativity for the day ahead. Check out Teresa’s interview below and be sure to get on the list!
Happy Friday! Have you gotten use to the time change yet? It has been an incredibly long week, and I still have’’t adjusted to the 4:30pm sunset. It doesn't help that we skipped right over fall and jumped into winter. It’s snowing today! If the dark, cold, winter months are affecting your productivity, this ones for you. My new friend Teresa, founder of The Morning List has just what you need to jump start your day!
The Morning List is a lifestyle brand and website. Bringing you inspiring stories, noteworthy news, style tips, advice and so much more. The Morning List hopes is to inspire, encourage and spark your creativity for the day ahead. Check out Teresa’s interview below and be sure to get on the list!
1. How did you get started with The Morning List?
Well throughout every season of my life (as far back as middle school) I have continuously blogged, but never actually had the courage to really share it with anybody until I was blessed with the opportunity to launch The Morning List. The idea originally came from 3 girls from 3 generations (myself and 2 other gals I previously worked with). We instantly connected despite our age differences and found ourselves searching for something more in each of our own lives. We realized that although we were all going through different things in life, at the end of the day we are all women who share the same interests and decided to put our unique passions into one place, and thus TML was created. Since then I am now the only founder carrying out TML, but it continues to be a creative platform and lifestyle brand that women of all generations are able to connect with.
2. Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
Actually, yes! I have always wanted to me my own boss (lol).
3. Do you work a day job or are you full time on your business?
I currently work as a nanny for my 3 nephews so TML is not my full time career. However, I am very blessed to have the flexibility in my work schedule to be able to dedicate a lot of my time to it!
4. What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome with owning your own business?
Overcoming fear and taking risks! I’m a very shy and safe person so stepping out of my comfort zone is extremely difficult for me!
5. What is your favorite & least favorite “hat” to wear as a business owner?
Ahh, favorite ‘hat’ would definitely be just getting the opportunity to use my creative side through the photography, creating a brand aesthetic and content—it’s so fun! Least favorite, anything that asks me to step outside my comfort zone! I enjoy being a behind the scenes kind of business owner.
6. How do you stay motivated?
Through prayer, reading and connecting with other entrepreneurs.
7. What are you working on right now?
Right now I am currently in the process of re launching The Morning List with a new look and a couple other exciting things are coming up early 2019!
8. Where do you look for inspiration?
Instagram and magazines for sure!
9. Where is your favorite place to work?
My desk.
10. How do you start your Monday?
Early! And always with coffee and quiet time. And if you’re not subscribed to the TML newsletter, The List (which you should be ;) ) we send out an email every Monday morning to help you get your week started off on the right foot!
11. What are some colors you are connecting with right now?
Red and white are my go-to colors.
12. What are some of your favorite textures/ materials?
Depends. I love linen and cotton for clothing and leather for furniture.
13. What is something you could not live without?
Besides my dog…coffee and tv.
14. Where is your favorite place to travel and with who?
California! I try to get there at least twice a year!
15. What’s your favorite thing to do where you live?
I am a suburban girl through and through, so I love discovering little hidden gems that bring that city feel to the suburbs.
16. Any inspirational books you recommend?
I love to read and I love Elizabeth Gilbert! Eat, Pray, Love and Big Magic are two favorites I can read over and over. As well as 100 Days to Brave which is one of my favorite morning devotionals by Annie F. Downs.
Colorful Creatives: The Millennial Adventurer
Recently I met an young woman living her fiercest life. Liz Moorman, founder of The Millennial Adventurer, an inspirational blog to help fellow millennial’s pursue their passion and motivate them to live their best lives. We sat down and talked about how she became an entrepreneur, what keeps her motivated, and some of the biggest challenges of being a business owner. I hope you enjoy learning more about Liz and follow her on social media!
I can hardly believe it’s November already! A crisp fall day is absolutely my favorite, but as usual the Chicago weather has been unpredictable to say the least. This year felt as if we jumped right from summer to winter. Hopefully some beautiful autumn days lay ahead of us. Through this amazing journey of starting my own design business, one of the best things that has come out of it is meeting new people! It’s no secret that I love talking business, especially when I meet someone who is just as energetic as I am. I love supporting other young entrepreneurs in all creative fields.
Recently I met an young woman living her fiercest life. Liz Moorman, founder of The Millennial Adventurer, an inspirational blog to help fellow millennial’s pursue their passion and motivate them to live their best lives. We sat down and talked about how she became an entrepreneur, what keeps her motivated, and some of the biggest challenges of being a business owner. I hope you enjoy learning more about Liz and follow her on social media!